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Why Hiring a Full-Time Virtual Assistant Is Better? Everything, Quick and Short!

A full-time Virtual Assistant will work only for you, they will give you their best attention and more productivity compared to part-time Virtual Assistants who manage several clients. A focused VA can solely work on your firm, increasing efficiency and producing better quality work.
This also minimizes the chances of them changing jobs by feeling that they are more attached to your company. It ensures that essential information and skills will not be missed out in case some members leave as continuity and stability are also enhanced within the team.


  • Full-time virtual assistants are guaranteed to give you constant support to have the tasks completed on time and with good quality.
  • They easily integrate into your team, understanding how your company works and creating value for your operations.
  • By employing a full-time virtual assistant, you can save money on office space, equipment, and benefits for regular staff or part-timers.
  • Full-time remote virtual assistants provide the flexibility to scale their workload according to what your organization needs at any given time thereby allowing them to adapt as demands change.
  • They create strong working bonds with your people that foster loyalty and support fostering stability and growth in a company.

Benefits Of Hiring A Full-Time VA

At this point, every corporate organization is functioning in a highly competitive market. They’re always looking for ways to increase their productivity while reducing costs. Such aims can be easily achieved by hiring a full-time virtual assistant.
We’ll see in this section why hiring a VA full-time is preferable to hiring one on a part-time basis, as well as what the benefits of doing so are.

1. Consistent Support

A full-time VA is more consistent than a freelance VA in providing their services because more long-term and specific business needs are met consistently without an off time.

2. Smooth integration

These full-time VAs can become the identity and mirror of your business. It is easier for them to embody the strategies and culture of your business since they are committed to being with your team all year round.

3. Cost Effectiveness

That is why it can be stated that the price of a full-time VA is even lower than having a full-time employee from the company and increased organizational and financial expenses for providing the employee with the necessary working conditions and tools.

4. Boost the Company’s Flexibility

In the case of full-time VAs, if you find yourself struggling with extra work during a certain time or you are overloaded, then it is easy to bring in more or let go since VAs are connected to your business enterprise.
Strong Working Relationships: As a result, each time a client hires a VA on a full-time basis, the two parties’ trust, interaction, and confidence grow. This leads to higher job satisfaction for the VA.

5. Proactive Support and Growth

A VA, who is hired only for the client can better anticipate your requirements along with the contribution towards growth of the business and new recommendations or ideas.

Comparing Full-Time VA to Other Options

When choosing between full-time VAs, part-time, or your standard employee it’s good to know where everyone sits.

Full-Time vs Part-Time VAs

Aspect Full-Time VAs Part-Time VAs
Working Hours  Full-time consistent hours Limited part-time hours
Availability  High Average
Cost Higher overall but more value per hour Lower overall but more value per hour
Integration  High Average

Full-Time VAs vs. Regular Employees

Aspect Full-Time VAs Regular Employes 
Overhead costs Lower (no office space or equipment) Higher (office space, equipment)
Flexibility High (scalable hours) Lower (fixed hours
Benefits No additional benefits required Benefits required (health, insurance)
Productivity  High (focused tasks)  Low (multiple distractions) 

How to Hire a VA

Hiring a virtual assistant involves some important steps to guarantee that you get the best fit for your company’s needs.

  • Create a detailed job description outlining the skills and experience required.
  • Locate suitable candidates through internet resources, agencies, and recommendations. Understanding how to hire a VA is crucial during this process.
  • Conduct interviews with those who made the shortlist to evaluate their qualifications, experience, and compatibility with your company’s values.
  • Give a trial period so that you may assess the VA’s performance before committing for the long run.

Types Of Virtual Assistants

Virtual assistants vary in the type and scope of projects they handle and the level of their engagement. Understanding the different types of virtual assistants can assist you in making an informed decision.

Full-Time VAs

  • Freelance VAs have a permanent contract and are engaged virtually, which means they work part-time or sometimes even full-time, including about 40 hours per week.
  • These are available more often and devoted more to your business or projects.
  • They can probably offer more services and interact with you or your staff to a greater extent.

Part-Time VAs

  • The advantage of such virtual assistants is that they are flexible, but they sign project contracts and spend time with your team as compared with other permanent virtual assistants.
  • Compared to full-time virtual assistants, they can be cheaper because the services you get are based on the hours worked.
  • Freelance virtual assistants can afford busy working schedules and be able to manage busy seasons and employ someone without hiring a full-time employee.

Project-Based VAs

  • They are hired based on the specific project which may be useful in controlling for the expenses.
  • Frequently they bring to work with them skills that are specific to that particular type of work and needed in the project.
  • The company, therefore, hires concentrated professionals to bring technical expertise, and guarantee the success of the project.

The decision of whether to hire a full-time, part-time, or project-based virtual assistant all comes down to your requirements, your pockets, and the volume of work that is required.


Full-time virtual assistants provide a business with a multitude of advantages, including flexible scheduling, cost-effective labour, and access to the appropriate skill sets. Choosing the right virtual assistant for your company might be difficult.
If you wish to schedule a free consultation with our outsourcing expert, we can help you point you in the right direction. Visit Keach Assistants to find your perfect VA today!

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