Professional Product Description Writing Services by Keach Virtual Assistants

Product descriptions for Amazon or any other marketplace play a key role in sales. They should be SEO-optimized, short, and must have the essence of what product really is, in order to drive sales. That’s where Keach Virtual Assistants come in – enabling better overall results for store owners.

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Why Professional Product Descriptions Matter for Your Online Success?

Product descriptions that are well-researched and professionally written are 100% more valuable than those generic, AI-generated ones and can increase conversions by 78%. These are crucial for store owners in order to stand out in crowded and saturated situations. Here’s why:

Why Choose Keach’s Product Description Writers for Hire?

Are they a rare breed? Do they come from a specialized training background, or are they vetted by Amazon itself? It’s none of that, but all they do is roll up their sleeves, and get into creating best in the world product descriptions. Here’s how:

We Write Optimized Product Titles for Maximum Impact

We know, and you know that product titles are what the customers see first, and we believe they must be optimized, and relevant. We, for that purpose, make sure that they are descriptive, optimized and attract the potential customers.

We Craft Compelling Bullet Points that Highlight Key Features

Next, it’s a norm that great product descriptions are easy to read. And one thing that makes reading easy is short, and clear bullet points highlighting the main product features. Our product descriptions writers craft compelling pointers accordingly.

We Write Detailed Product Descriptions that Drive Conversions

Our team at Keach Virtual Assistants know that apart from keeping it to the point, it is necessary have all the key details in the product description. Only then it can offer the true value, and rightly explain what the product is all about.

We Do Strategic SEO Keyword Incorporation for Better Visibility

The ultimate purpose of marketing, and product title and description optimization is visibility. We at Keach have a strong emphasis on using contextually appropriate and attract keywords in the product descriptions so that they are optimized for all scenarios.

We Develop Top-Tier Content to Enhance Your Amazon Listings

With our years of experience, we know that a killer product page is not just descriptions. It’s the overall look and feel of the content, and for that, we employ the best writers, and designers to create high-res images and media, along with text for your product pages. 85% of shoppers say that pictures and correct information is important to them.

We Conduct In-Depth Competitor Analysis to Stay Ahead of the Market

World’s top marketers rely on studying competitors to pick the good part and leave what’s not good. Our ecommerce marketing experts conduct in-depth competitor analysis based on your products to keep you ahead in the market and get the desired results.

We Ensure Compliance with Amazon Guidelines for Seamless Listings

You already know what happens if you don’t remain compliant with Amazon’s guidelines, and that is where our experience comes in handy. We leverage that to ensure all our actions are according to the listed guidelines, and your Amazon store and listings stay away from any harm.

We Write Optimized Product Titles for Maximum Impact

We know, and you know that product titles are what the customers see first, and we believe they must be optimized, and relevant. We, for that purpose, make sure that they are descriptive, optimized and attract the potential customers.

We Craft Compelling Bullet Points that Highlight Key Features

Next, it’s a norm that great product descriptions are easy to read. And one thing that makes reading easy is short, and clear bullet points highlighting the main product features. Our product descriptions writers craft compelling pointers accordingly.

We Write Detailed Product Descriptions that Drive Conversions

Our team at Keach Virtual Assistants know that apart from keeping it to the point, it is necessary have all the key details in the product description. Only then it can offer the true value, and rightly explain what the product is all about.

We Do Strategic SEO Keyword Incorporation for Better Visibility

The ultimate purpose of marketing, and product title and description optimization is visibility. We at Keach have a strong emphasis on using contextually appropriate and attract keywords in the product descriptions so that they are optimized for all scenarios.

We Develop Top-Tier Content to Enhance Your Amazon Listings

With our years of experience, we know that a killer product page is not just descriptions. It’s the overall look and feel of the content, and for that, we employ the best writers, and designers to create high-res images and media, along with text for your product pages. 85% of shoppers say that pictures and correct information is important to them.

We Conduct In-Depth Competitor Analysis to Stay Ahead of the Market

World’s top marketers rely on studying competitors to pick the good part and leave what’s not good. Our ecommerce marketing experts conduct in-depth competitor analysis based on your products to keep you ahead in the market and get the desired results.

We Ensure Compliance with Amazon Guidelines for Seamless Listings

You already know what happens if you don’t remain compliant with Amazon’s guidelines, and that is where our experience comes in handy. We leverage that to ensure all our actions are according to the listed guidelines, and your Amazon store and listings stay away from any harm.

More Than Just Keywords, More Than Just Amazon Descriptions

Amazon is a big ecommerce marketplace. Like very big, but does that mean we leave all the customers that head to other platforms to wander? Well, we have just the right solution for you if you are looking to expand, maintaining consistency and quality.

Ecommerce Product Description Writing Services for All Major Ecommerce Platforms

Amazon is a big ecommerce marketplace. Like very big, but does that mean we leave all the customers that head to other platforms to wander? Well, we have just the right solution for you if you are looking to expand, maintaining consistency and quality.

Expanding Content Offerings to Support Your Online Store's Success

We understand that running an ecommerce business is a multi-faceted ask, and for that, we are now offering content writing services for your store’s online success. This includes blog posts, category descriptions, a dedicated content strategy, socials and more.

Enhancing Your Amazon Product Descriptions for Higher Conversion Rates

The approach we follow at Keach Virtual Assistants is not limited by producing a few hundred words. Our focus is to be strategic and laser-focused to improve conversions.

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Strategic Keyword Selection for Maximum Search Engine Optimization

To get your products noticed and visible, it is important to select the right keywords. (right = relevant + useful) Our teams responsible for research use latest tools, and frameworks to identify high-impact keywords that bring your product up in the search results.

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Crafting Tailored Descriptions that Resonate with Your Target Audience

There must be an appeal when your target audience sees your products and goes through the product descriptions. Otherwise, this whole exercise is worth nothing. For that, all our descriptions written to outperform your competitors and address pain points.

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Implementing Regular Content Updates to Keep Listings Fresh

Amazon listings, just like fresh produce, go stale if not taken care of. At Keach Virtual Assistants, we keep all your listings updated with necessary revisions and updates for the content, including product descriptions, images, product titles, and reviews management.

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Utilizing Conversion Rate Optimization Techniques to Maximize Sales

Conversion Rate Optimization, or CRO is somewhat distant technique for newbie marketers. However, ecommerce marketing experts at Keach know the ins and outs of the landscape and use their expertise to produce descriptions that are valid, and convert better.

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Regular A/B Testing to Identify the Most Effective Description Variations

A/B testing sounds simple because you create two best versions of a product descriptions and test them to see which performs better. In reality, there’s a complete science behind it and we do all that math and science to evaluate based on data and do the best for you.

Why Choose Keach Assistants for Your eCommerce Content Writing Needs?

When choosing for exceptional content writing services for the ecommerce industry, there are a few reasons why Keach Virtual Assistants’ team stands out. Here are a few of them:

Leveraging the Expertise of Experienced eCommerce Content Writers

We have a team experienced, and skilled ecommerce content writers and creators that enable incredible content writing services. This helps us understand the nuances of your products, word them properly, and let the word out to get more visibility and sales.

Delivering Tailored Descriptions Designed for Maximum Conversion

When working for businesses in the open market, we have learned through experience that “one-size-fits-all approach” doesn’t really work most of the time. That is why we aim to customize and tailor each delivery, based on the brand’s unique requirements to get better results.

Saving Your Business Time and Resources with Professional Services

If you have got products in bulk, with variations, and different markets to cover, writing product descriptions for them can be resource-intensive, and overwhelming for you. Keach’s team of product description writers for hire can save you valuable time and do that for you.

Enhancing Brand Credibility with High-Quality Content

High-quality content is a timeless necessity. Be it well-researched facts, crisp looking images, or appealing visuals and videos, Keach Virtual Assistants have the right people to cover all your bases. We also follow your brand’s voice to make you stand out amongst the mediocrity.

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Our Precision-Driven Process for Amazon Product Description Writing

A systemic, process-led approach to anything makes it better, and probable to receive desired outcomes. Here is process we follow to product descriptions for Amazon.

Ready to Hire Expert Product Description Writers?

If you’re looking to elevate your eCommerce business with professionally written product descriptions, Keach Assistants is here to help. Our expert team of product description writers for hire is ready to write content that drives results.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our service includes comprehensive competitor analysis, keyword research, SEO keyword integration, persuasive copywriting, A/B testing of different titles, descriptions and keywords, and compliance with Amazon guidelines.

While this might seem straightforward work, it involves hours of diligent work so that the efforts could be materialized properly, and sales start flowing.

The timeline depends on the volume and complexity of the descriptions. Typically, we deliver within 1-7 business days. This depends upon:

  • Number of products.
  • Extent of competitor analysis.
  • Focus on SEO research and keyword integration.
  • Description approval rate (from the client).

Yes, we can manage large-scale projects efficiently while maintaining high-quality standards. We already have worked with several clients with bulk products in similar and varying niches, where we delivered product descriptions not only for Amazon, but other platforms successfully.

Absolutely. We offer revisions to ensure you’re completely satisfied with the final product. Our main focus is client satisfaction, and if that isn’t met, what’s left in being proud of our services?

That is why we emphasize on delivering work that pass our internal QA process, and yet if there’s something that client requires, we happily do that as well.

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